ghost story

            I have always believed in ghosts and spirits. Perhaps it was because it amused me, or perhaps it was because I have been stuffed with ghost stories ever I since I was old enough to figure out them. I have been around a lot of people who grew up in remote areas of the world. Well, anyway, I have heard many ghost stories from them, mostly drawn from their actual encounter and experiences. These stories were passing on to me on many different events. Even I have heard many stories, I also has a story to share to all of you.

            Many years ago, when I was seven, I love to read a book named MASTIKA. When I read this book, it will make me to not do anything else. Not because of it covers, but the content in it that make me paying attention to read them. Whatever those are horror, mystic or everything that are related make me become excited to know about it more details. For that reason I had been disturb with something that all of us cannot see. It is because of one article that is included in it. Before I read it, on the top article has a note that waning us not to read it in the night. I had noticed about it. I always read and read it repeatedly. But, on one night, I had read the article. I just ignored the warning. In that night, that is nothing weird happen. I sleep as usual on the sofa.

            On the next day, I read the article again and again until evening. Suddenly, my mom told me to take a bath because it is evening already. Without any protest, I take my towel and go to the toilet. In the toilet, when I want open my shirt, speedily someone just has touched my shoulder. I think that is my mom or my brother. When I turn around, there is no one inside the toilet. The incident repeated every day. Originally, I am afraid of it because it is the first time this weird thing happens to me, but, I did not told to anyone although my family. I think these thing happen because of the article that I read on the night. That’s why the ghost has disturbing me. Finally, I do not read it anymore and throw the book away.

            After a week later, the ghost not disturbing me and because of that, now I not scared to those weird things anymore. Even when I live in hostel when I in form one until form five, I had been disturbed with those ghost, but I feel nothing. Those things not only happen to me, but it happen to all of my friends. Maybe that is because I always had been disturbed with those things, so I not feel too scared anymore. That’s a lot of ghost story in my hostel that I want to share with all of you. But it might be not enough time for me to share it. Maybe later on I will story a little bit of ghost story to you. Hope you are entertained.


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